Comcast cites recent signings as aiding its DNSSEC progress

Writing on the Comcast Voices blog, Comcast manager of DNS engineering Chris Griffiths shares his experience at the recent ICANN key signing ceremonies, where he served as a backup crypto officer.  Griffiths also noted:

With all this momentum, several key top-level domains have also announced recently they are ready to support DNSSEC. The first was .ORG. The other major top-level-domain was .EDU. As these large Domain registries start to support DNSSEC, it allows domain holders like Comcast to sign our domains and make them secure.

Comcast maintains a DNSSEC information center with regular updates on its deployment progress, and it is a member of the DNSSEC Industry Coalition.  With more than 14 million high-speed Internet customers, it is one of the largest Internet service providers in the U.S.

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